
Twenty-million households across the country use gas for heating, hot water and cooking, yet we often take it for granted that our boilers, cookers and gas fires are safe. It is only when there is a problem with an appliance that many of us take any notice at all. But, badly installed and poorly maintained gas appliances can be dangerous. So, while the purse strings are tight, many of us may be tempted to get a friend or odd job man to fix the boiler or put in a new gas fire. While they might appear to know what they're doing or have certain gas (qualifications), you could be putting you and your family at risk by not employing a Gas Safe registered engineer.

It is actually against the law for anyone to do work on gas appliances in Great Britain and Isle of Man unless they are Gas Safe registered. Illegal gas work can lead to gas leaks, fires, explosions and exposure to carbon monoxide - which can all lead to serious injury or even death.



You can't see it, taste it or smell it but it can kill quickly and with no warning. Unsafe gas appliances produce a highly poisonous gas called carbon monoxide (CO). It can cause death as well as serious long term health problems such as brain damage.

Remember the six main symptoms to look out for:

  • headaches
  • dizziness 
  • nausea 
  • breathlessness 
  • collapse
  • loss of consciousness

Being aware of the symptoms could save your life.

Carbon monoxide symptoms are similar to flu, food poisoning, viral infections and simply tiredness. That's why it's quite common for people to mistake this very dangerous poisoning for something else.

Other signs that could point to carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Your symptoms only occur when you are at home
  • Your symptoms disappear or get better when you leave home and come back when you return
  • Others in your household are experiencing symptoms (including your pets) and they appear at a similar time.

If you have any of the symptoms listed above CALL US NOW! One call could save your life.


Follow our top tips on how to be Gas Safe at home this winter

We rely on our gas boilers, cookers and fires more than ever during winter to keep warm, have hot baths and showers and cook hot meals. It's important that gas appliances are regularly serviced to help keep us safe and prevent them from breaking down when we need them the most.
Be Gas Safe and don't get left out in the cold this winter. Make sure you only use a Gas Safe registered engineer to fix, fit or service your gas appliances including your:

  • Gas boiler
  • Gas cooker
  • Gas fire